RNDr. Václav Šícha, Ph.D.

Místnost: 3.04 (CPTO)
Telefon: +420475 28 6803
E-mail: vaclav.sicha@ujep.cz
Konzultační hodiny: dle předchozí domluvy
Profesní zaměření: Syntézy a charakterizace heteroboranů, předkolonová derivatizace analytů, GC, HPLC, MS
Dr. Václav Šícha teach, examine and train the courses of Inorganic Chemistry (Bc., MSc.) in regular and distant form of study, Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry (Erasmus), Mass spectrometry (MSc.), Laboratory excercise in Inorganic Chemistry etc. at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science University of J. E. Purkynie in Ústí nad Labem.
Dr. Šícha is now a co-author of 32 internationally per-reviewed papers with impact factors (Jimp), two times was 1st author, and two times was the corresponding author. He has recently h-index 17 with more than 800 citations without autocitations. He supervised until yet on 11 succesfully defended bachelor theses, and for 7 master theses.
2018 – One week Erasmus+ academic stay at the University of Albstadt-Sigmaringen in Germany, prof. Jörn Felix Lübben, development of the smart textiles; the beginning of the cooperation.
2014 – Assistant Professor – Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at University of J. E. Purkynie in Ústí nad Labem, Czechia – the mentor, and supervisor of 8 excellent defended Bachelor, and 4 Master degree theses.
2014 – 2016 Assistant Professor – Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Chemistry and Technology (VŠCHT) Praha – the mentor, and supervisor of 2 excellent defended Bachelor, and 1 Master degree theses.
2012 – 2018 Ph.D., Postdoc – Department of Syntheses, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), v.v.i. of the Czech republic in Řež near Prague – the supervisor of 3 high school students in the CAS project Open Science – student Robin Kryštůfek won the 1. prize in the INTEL® ISEF international competition (Los Angeles, USA).
2012 Ph.D., Doctoral Thesis on the topic: „Substitutional derivatives of carboranes and metallacarboranes as biologically active compounds“ defended on the Faculty of Chemical technology at the University Pardubice; the supervisor Bohumír Grüner, Ph.D., the mentor Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Plešek, DSc., both form the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i..
2006 – A month Ph.D. stay at the Instite of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz under the mentorship of Prof. Zbygniew J. Lesnikowski.
2005 – 2012 – Ph.D. student in the distant form of study at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemical Technology at University Pardubice
2005 – 2012 – Junior Research Fellow – The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS.
2003 – 2007 – Chemist, Technologist – Katchem Ltd. Prague, spin-off company; lab or semiscale custom preparations of boranes, and heteroboranes; a large scale production of anionic polymerization catalysts
2003 MSc., A High School Teacher of Chemistry, and Biology; The Faculty of Education, University of J. E. Purkynie in Ústí nad Labem; Msc. Thesis: „Chemiluminescence demonstrations experiments used for popularization of Chemistry“ – The motivation movie, CD-ROM, and the WWW presentation (http://projekt-cl.ujep.cz).
Pedagogická činnost
Vyučované předměty:
- Anorganická chemie
- Laboratorní cvičení z anorganické chemie
- Chemie boranů
- Hmotnostní spektrometrie
- Metody charakterizace látek a materiálů
- Syntéza, izolace a charakterizace látek
Odborné praxe
Rozvojové a výzkumné projekty
Principal Investigator: OP TAK Aplikace – výzva I. (1.7.2023 – 30.6.2026)
Příjemce dotace: Katchem Praha spol. s.r.o.; KCH PřF UJEP – Partner s finanční spoluúčastí. Spolufinancováno EU.
Production technology of anhydrous salts of polyhedral borates
The project is focused on the development of a new technology for the production of anhydrous sodium, lithium and possibly magnesium salts of the anions closo-1-CB11H12(-), closo-1-CB9H10(-) and the dianions closo-B12H12(2-), closo-B10H10(2-) and closo-B12X12(2-), where X is Cl, Br and I.
Technologie výroby bezvodých solí polyhedrálních borátů
Projekt je zaměřen na vývoj nové technologie výroby bezvodých sodných, lithných a eventuálně hořečnatých solí aniontů closo-1-CB11H12(-), closo-1-CB9H10(-) a dianiontů closo-B12H12(2-), closo-B10H10(2-) a closo-B12X12(2-), kde X je Cl, Br a I.

Key researcher: TAČR Theta (Energy and Fuels) (1.2.2023 – 31.12.2025) TK05020080
Příjemce dotace: Euro Support Manufacturing Czechia, s.r.o.; UJEP – partner s finanční spoluúčastí
Catalytic decomposition of waste biomass
The project is focused on the development of catalysts for biomass decomposition by pyrolysis with a fixed reactor – a cheap catalyst located directly in biomass to speed up biomass cleavage and boost
use of liquid product in biofuels and a catalyst located on a grate above biomass in gas phase (at 500°C), from which pyrolysis oil condenses. This ex-situ catalyst will catalyze its cleavage to products
with lower boiling point proper for biofuel production. The second goal of the project is the development of a functionalized nanofiber membrane focused on the capture and reuse of hydrogen for a multistage separation unit of pyrolysis gases. The catalyst enable utilizing waste renewable source for a production of biofuel and hydrogen proper as a fuel e.g. for buse
Katalytický rozpad odparní biomasy.
Cílem projektu je vývoj katalyzátorů pro rozklad biomasy z pyrolýzy s pevným reaktorem,a to levného umístěného in-situ v biomase, který urychlí štěpení biomasy a zlepší využitelnost kapalného produktu v biopalivech, a/nebo katalyzátoru umístěného ex-situ na roštu nad biomasou ve fázi při 500°C plynné, z níž pak kondenzuje pyrolyzní kapalina, a bude katalyzovat její štěpení na níže vroucí produkty vhodné jako polotovar pro přípravu biopaliv. Druhým cílem projektu je vývoj funkcionalizované nanovlákenné membrány zaměřené na záchyt a zpětné využití vodíku pro vícestupňovou separační jednotku pyrolýzních plynů. Katalyzátory umožní využití odpadního obnovitelného zdroje pro výrobu biopaliva a vodíku jako paliva např. pro autobusy.
Research Team Leader – ERDF/ESF project “CACTU – The Center of Advanced Chemical Technologies realized in Ústí nad Labem-Chomutov region.” No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008397. (1.1.2018 – 31.12. 2022)
Key Researcher – ERDF/ESF project “UniQSurf – Centre of biointerfaces and hybrid functional materials” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007411). (1.4.2018 – 31.12.2022)
Coordinator – ERDF project “U21 – University of 21th Century, Good-quality infrastructure”. CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002560. (1.5. 2017 — 31.12. 2022)
Principal Investigator: UJEP-SGS-172-07-05 Study of possibilities and application of multifunctional regioselectively substituted heteroborane derivatives. Provider: SGS UJEP (2017-2018).
A team member: GA15-05677S New types of substitution metallacarboranes as inhibitors of the carbonic anhydrase with the potential use in the anticancer theraphy. Provider: GA0 – The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR), Main beneficiary: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Scicences, v.v.i., (2015-2017).
A team member: TH01020844 The cluster borate anions technology for the development of new materials for medicine and electrotechnic. Provider: TA0 –Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR). Main beneficiary: Katchem Ltd. Prague (2015-2017).
The functional derivatives of cluster boranes as viral enzyme inhibitors.
A team member: IAAX00320901 The functional derivatives of cluster boranes as viral enzyme inhibitors. Provider: AV0 – The Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR), Main beneficiary: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Scicences, v.v.i. (2009-2013).